Booking confirmed. You have your massage booked in, it’s locked in to your calendar and a reminder has been set up, what’s there to do now other than arrive to your appointment? Here are some tips to help you receive the most out of your massage.
Know the address of the clinic / treatment space and how long it will take you to get there. That way you aren’t rushing in, breathless and stressed from running late. Enjoy arriving at least 5 minutes before your appointment so you can sit, relax, breathe, turn your phone to airplane mode, start to be in the moment that is being created for you.
Wear comfortable clothing. After your massage in your relaxed state it’s good to keep life simple with the ‘getting re-dressed’ process. If it’s cold weather dress warmly, your body will respond more effectively when it is warm from the start of the massage.
Drink water as per normal, hydration is important for circulation and helping remove waste from the muscles although don’t over hydrate or eat a large meal just before your massage, you may feel full and uncomfortable on the treatment table.
Prior to your appointment think about what you would like to achieve from the appointment so you can communicate with your massage practitioner and expectations are discussed
Be open and honest when talking about your health and your body with your massage practitioner. Even knowing if you have any allergies is important.
This is your massage treatment so also let your practitioner know if there is anything you prefer like minimal talking during the treatment, a preference of no music or that you like your hands, feet or scalp massaged. Mention anything that will help you enjoy the treatment more
When you arrive on the massage treatment table, breathe deeply, acknowledge you have arrived and give yourself a pause from the external world.