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Thank-you for your time here. I'm Christine, although when we meet in person I'll call myself Chrissy. I am a remedial massage therapist with 14 years experience and you will find me in the nourishing treatment space I have created in Malvern, Melbourne. I have a very simple treatment philosophy - I give you a safe space to surrender, to breathe with expansion, to soften, to nourish and to step away from the external going ons surrounding you.
With my many years of experience, my intention is to create a truly individual massage treatment for each client and to deliver massage in a calming and healing environment.
Our bodies are designed for free and comfortable movement. How does yours feel when you move? Do you notice tightness, soreness, restriction, or pain? When muscular function is compromised, whether through tension, contraction, or injury, your body will send signals. At that point, it's your decision to take action.
'I give you a quiet space to help disconnect,
breathe deeply and encourage your rest & digest process to activate.'
The aim of a Remedial treatment is to provide relief and encourage healing, this can be through soft tissue massage and other applications like glass cupping, trigger point therapy, muscle stretching, joint mobilisation, postural taping.
Pregnancy and Massage team up wonderfully together. Pregnancy massage has been shown to reduce stress hormones within a pregnant woman’s body and works very effectively on the nervous system to induce a sense of calm, which in turn helps mum to sleep better and help her little human (or humans) to grow.
Lymphatic drainage massage will help to eliminate waste and congested materials in the body and reduce excess fluid. It’s a general clean up for the inside of your body.
Abdominal massage is such a nourishing treatment, I gently encourage my clients to allow me to come into their belly space as it also creates a strong sense of relaxation.
I am very passionate about women’s health & fertility and how massage can play an important role in this journey. I myself under went four years of Fertility & IVF treatments and can empathise with clients on their fertility journey and understanding the struggles that are placed on the mind and body.
I have completed further studies in fertility massage, allowing me to support clients during their own fertility journey whether it be natural conception or assisted.
Image this…A warm treatment room, electric blanket creating a constant soft heat on the bed, 45 or 60 minute massage (your choice of massage) and then at the end of the massage treatment you are covered with a weighted blanket, headphones playing slow healing sounds are placed over your ears and an eye pillow gently resting over your eyes to help with an inwards gaze encouraging you to slip a little bit deeper into rest. This will be a space created for you to fully surrender into restorative warming stillness. I'll leave the room to give you complete solitude and softly re-enter 15 minutes later.
Booking your massage appointment online is a very simple process. Click on the 'book here' button below to book your day and time. If you can not find a day / time that suits for a massage treatment please use the 'contact me' section with your preferred day / time and I will be in contact with you.
Alternatively, you can also call or text me on 0407 711 881
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